Saturday, October 24, 2009

2010 Ambassadors!!!

These are a little late on introducing who they are, but you know why by looking at the previous post. These are the 2010 Ambassadors that are representing the studio this year. Great group & lots of fun!! We did the shoot the week before school started. Here are some pics from that week. Enjoy!

Miss M (2010 Ambassador)

2010 Ambassador Mr. R





Group 3

Group 2

Group 1

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm BAAAACK!!!!!

It's been a long couple of months. If you didn't know, I had my baby 5 weeks early and she has been at Cooks NICU for 37 days. She cam home yesterday & we are working on getting back in the swing of things. I have some catching up to do & plenty of pictures to post. Lots of changes have been made since the baby came. One would be Miss Kimberly! She is coming back to work with me & I'm so excited about this. I'm going to need help & she's the person to do it. So Seniors be ready, she going to help head up the Ambassador program to keep you guys on your toes. Seniors if you had an appointment with me in September, you will hear from me or Kimberly & we will get you rescheduled. Many have been already. If you need Senior pictures scheduled, call or leave an email. or Phone - 682-551-7744.

Now back to the fun part, PICTURES! I'll start with this Granbury Senior Miss H. We had fun shooting at her place. One word, BEAUTIFUL! The yard was a photographers dream & must I say Miss H & her family were AWESOME!! Extremely nice! Makes me love my job even more when I have clients like this! Enough talk! Pics Please!!!!!

Miss H!


Miss H

Miss HMiss H

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cadence's 4 year pictures!

Well one of my babies turned 4. Here are some of her pictures. Some I couldn't decide on color or BW. So I'm posting both. Senior Ambassador pics will be up soon!

Cadences 4yr. pics

Cadences 4yr. picsCadences 4yr. pics ( I can't decide if I like the color or BW below)

Cadences 4yr. pics

Cadences 4yr. pics

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Updates and Miss IVY!

Hello all! We are back. I have posted a few blogs, but because of the busy spring we had and a EXTREMELY busy fall coming up, we took some time off to relax and get some things done around the house! As some of you know, we are expecting baby #3 mid October (Our 2nd Girl - Sawyer Reece)! So with playing musical rooms and setting all of them up, plus decorating a baby room and remodeling a bathroom, we needed some time off! Once the baby room and bath room is all complete I will post some pictures of the finished product. I have spent some time on finding the right color scheme for this room, since my 4yr old daughter and her new sister will be sharing a room. It will be stunning!

With that said, I have finally chosen my 2010 Senior Ambassadors. We have grown so much in this area of photography that I am looking to have even a better year then last. I have lots planned for these guys and I believe I have a great group to help push me further in the photography business. Here in the next couple of weeks, my senior site will be up and down and you will see some changes. So don't get freaked out when I have weird colors popping up all over. I thought it was time for an update and I needed to add some new photos! The Krystal Image site will also go through few changes and updates, but a little later this fall. Also, I will be in the process of having a new blog designed and hope to have that finished early fall. So look for some changes, but some great changes!

With all this said, I will now get to Miss Ivy! She just graduated college in May. She was one of my husband students and is extremely talented. So talented that she is leaving for California to start her career. Her agent (Who represents Rene Zellweger) told her to get some head shots done ASAP! So she gave us a call! (Now I'll throw in a little back story - Chad (my hubby) is extremely talented. He can paint, draw, create anything you can think of and of course is a marketing GENIUS! He teaches Sport and Entertainment Marketing/Management at Northwood University and runs that department. We often throw ideas back and forth to each other and come up with some new CREATIVE ideas for our business. Since I can't draw, I scribble my marketing ideas to paper and then he cleans it up to look like a masterpiece. LOVE IT! Anyway, he has been wanting to learn to shoot and has spent some of his summer doing just that. IVY was his first shoot on someone other than the kids. He has the eye, just needed to learn the equipment. These were important head shots, so he had NO pressure. (Sarcasm inserted here!) He did great. A few things to change, but overall did a great job. I did the post processing on these. We haven't got to that part of the learning yet! I take no credit in the pictures you will see. It was all him and he did great! End Back Story) Ivy is getting ready to head to California with some great Head shots to show off! Have fun and GOOD LUCK!

Now for Pictures!

Miss Ivy

Miss Ivy

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Calling all 2010 Ambassadors!

It's that time of year again and I'm a little behind! Now that all my relaxing and vacationing is over I guess it's back to work and I can't wait to get this year going. I have had so many ask when I was going to start my 2010 Senior Ambassador Search! Well that time is now. I have already started sending out applications. I have had so many request for outside the cleburne area that I have made a few changes to accommodate. Not only will I be accepting 6 ambassadors from Cleburne ISD, but I will be looking for 4 Ambassadors outside of Cleburne. I have already had request from all over the Johnson & Tarrant County area! So hurry up and ask for an application already! You can contact me at and I will email it to you. Or you can click here to print out the application.  You have until July 15th to get it back to me.  Drop it by and if I'm not at the studio during that time then put it in the mail box and I'll let you know I got it.  Or mail it to me. The address is on the application. Either way works for me.  If you have any questions please email me.  Here are some pics of my 2009 senior ambassadors!


Dance Practice


Jacob Senior PicturesMiss K


For Mom

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mr. J

I've been in and out of town a lot here lately so my blog has suffered a little. Here is another 09 senior. Meet Mr. J! He is a quite one, but watch out. He has a lot of personality when he wants to show it! This was a fun shoot. His girlfriend Miss K came with us and mom for half of the shoot. We went to a family friends property and it was BEAUTIFUL, plus you couldn't have asked for a better day for shooting. Here are a few from our shoot a few weeks back. Thanks for a great time!

Mr. JMr. J

Mr. J

Mr. JMr. J

Monday, June 8, 2009

Meet the Cappers Twins!

These are a little over due. Meet the Cappers Twins. That is all the similarities these two have between each other. They are as opposite as night and day. One like Hunting & Fishing and the other is an aspiring Chef. They were a fun shoot and kept things interesting. Enjoy the sneak peek!

Cappers Twins

Cappers Twins

Cappers TwinsCappers Twins

Cappers Twins

Cappers Twins

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